Lab Personnel

The Nowlin Aquatic Ecology Lab is highly collaborative, and students represent a variety of research interests.  Students often assist each other on projects and have a great deal of fun in the lab and the field.

Current Lab Members

Ailish Collins (MS – Aquatic Resources)

Ailish studies the responses of algal assemblages to intermittency in the San Saba River in central Texas. 

Jered Davenport (MS – Aquatic Resources)

Ryan Jones (PhD – Aquatic Resources and Integrative Biology)

My research aims to improve conservation strategies for Eurycea salamanders by addressing key knowledge gaps. I plan to analyze body condition variations across species and sites, compare different methodologies for estimating salamander abundance, and use Population Viability Analysis (PVA) to assess population persistence and extinction risks. The findings will help inform evidence-based conservation policies for these federally listed species in central Texas.

Hannah Mattes (PhD – Aquatic Resources and Integrative Biology)

Hannah is researching nutrient cycling dynamics in Texas rivers that span environmental gradients. She is also interested in modeling how freshwater ecosystem functioning and processes might change over space and time.

Jasmine Rodriguez (PhD – Aquatic Resources and Integrative Biology)

Jasmine’s dissertation research will investigate mercury contamination and its trophic transfer within aquatic food webs in the Colorado River Drainage Basin. By integrating total mercury analysis, stable isotope techniques, and fatty acid tracers, her work will investigate spatial and temporal variations in bioaccumulation and biomagnification. Her interdisciplinary approach will link environmental factors on various scales, food web structures, and aquatic-terrestrial interactions, providing insights for contaminant management and ecological health.

Miranda Sams (PhD – Aquatic Resources and Integrative Biology)

As part of her Ph.D., Miranda is passionately exploring the intricate spatial and temporal processes that shape both long-term and short-term changes in benthic macroinvertebrates’ functional and taxonomic composition across the major drainage basins of Texas. Furthermore, she is dedicated to uncovering how contaminants transfer from aquatic ecosystems to terrestrial riparian environments.

Waverly Wadsworth (MS – Wildlife Ecology)

Dr. Parvathi Nair (Post Doctoral Scholar)

Parvathi examines how food web structures vary along different spatial and temporal scales with variable flow and allochthonous inputs in the San Saba River.

Jessica Kittridge (Grant Specialist)

Aquatic invertebrate identification and enumeration

Rachel Hill (Laboratory Technician)

Aquatic invertebrate identification and enumeration

Al Wilson (Laboratory Technician)

Data and laboratory analysis. Website and social media management.

Tanya Trevino (Laboratory Technician)

Field work and laboratory analysis

Derrek Harris (Undergraduate)

Hannah Madler (Undergraduate)

Spencer Sliter (Undergraduate)

Andrew San Miguel (Undergraduate)

Chloe Harrell (Undergraduate)

Hannah Bates (Undergraduate)

Andrew Lungren (Undergraduate)

Former Post Docs and PhD Students

Dr. Parvathi Nair (University of Texas Marine Science Institute; Texas State University)

Dr. Alisa Abuzeineh (Wichita Public School District, Kansas)

Dr. Jesse Becker (Bureau of Ecosystem Health, Division of Fish and Wildlife, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation)

Dr. Tonya Ramey (Aquatic Wildlife Specialist, Arizona Game and Fish)

Former MS Students

Áine Carroll (TCEQ)

Brad Caston (TCEQ)

Chase Corrington (TWDB)

Pete Diaz (USFWS)

Crystal Datri (St. Edwards University)

Kierra Determan (Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory)

Amelia Hunter (USFWS)

Nate Krupka (Nuisance Wildlife Specialist – Truly Nolen)

Lauren Loney (Attorney, Public Policy Specialist – Lauren Loney Consulting, LLC)

Dr. Nina Noreika (Water Consultant – Holistic Catchment Management)

Corey Perkin (Assistant Project Manager – Civil and Environmental Consultants, Inc.)

Kelly Rodibaugh (Physical Scientist and Quality Assurance Specialist – US Environmental Protection Agency)

Jasmine Rodriguez (PhD Program in Aquatic Resources and Integrative Biology – Texas State University)

Miranda Sams (PhD Program in Aquatic Resources and Integrative Biology – Texas State University)

Alexandra Smith (Division of Research – Texas State University)

Matthew Stehle (Engineering Program – UTSA)

Aaron Swink (Education Specialist, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources)

Kirby Wright (Teacher, Wiley ISD)

Rebecca Zawalski (Oklahoma Conservation Commission)

Former Technicians

Katherine Cline (Laboratory Technician)

Michaela Livingston (Grant Specialist)

Sarah McMahon (Laboratory Technician)

Gaby Timmins (Lab Manager)

Philip Ramirez (Field Technician)

McLean Worsham (Lab Technician)

Former Undergraduates

Frank Alfano, Lauren Wise, Spencer Hanna, Maria Gonzalez, Alex Carr, Kayla Cerney, Christine Young, Shannon Devine, Robin Williams, Bree Snead, Heather Kurten, Chris Verrett, Alexander Holmes